This article list 25 interesting facts about Japan and its culture that you might not be aware of. One good way to insult someone, anyone, especially someone you are doing business with, or someone whose position is above you, is to refuse an alcoholic drink that was poured for you. Bowing (known as ojigi) is the traditional form of greeting in Japan. Japanese Culture Facts Japanese culture began in the Jomon period, also referred to as Prehistoric Japan, which began in roughly 14,500 BC and lasted until 300 BC. Japanese Live Really Long . Remember that you should eat the food immediately, do not talk to your companions and show your appreciation to the chef by slurping loudly. Bow When Greeting. While these three things are very much part of Japanese culture and history, they only scratch the surface of this country and its people. So when using chopsticks in Japan, don’t stab or cut your food with them. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. You will find that local food is cheap and Western food is expensive, which is why we recommend that you let go of TGI Friday’s for your night out and instead try the many local restaurants in the locale of where you are staying. In Japan, there are millions of bicycles lying around. Japanese language has four different writing systems: hiragana, katakana, kanji, and romaji. February 8, 2021 February 27, 2021. This list is only a sampling of the fascinating traditions and pop culture quirks that you’ll encounter on a trip here. Even so, it’s a difficult position for the average person to hold. At a rate of almost 100%, Japan’s literacy rate is one of the highest in the world. In Japanese, the name “Japan” is Nihon or Nippon, which means “Land of the Rising Sun.” It was once believed that Japan was the first country to see the sun rise in the East in the morning. Visit here to discover gorgeous natural landscapes just a short train ride from sparkling, sprawling cities and loud, jarring outlets a short distance from quiet areas full of nuanced rules. Health is important to Japanese culture and the country’s tradition of morning exercise reflects that. The country also has spectacular landscapes. Seiza, which means sitting with your legs folded underneath you, is the traditional way to sit on Japanese tatami floors. Interesting Facts About Japan #1: Name. Don’t stare, because they will merely have got stranded on their way home because the last train has gone, and have decided to sleep nearby the train station. Good table manners are highly regarded in Japanese culture and correctly using chopsticks is an important part of polite dining. It is actually required that you put your mobile on silent and turn the ringer off whenever you step on a train or a bus. If you want to experience an … Did you know, however, that the Japanese get very annoyed with people who are talking on the mobiles while on a train, a bus, or in any quiet environment? Interesting and Amazing Facts About Japanese Culture Japan’s traditional dress is called ‘Kimono’ and it is one of the most easily recognizable traditional garments in the world. 15. A Japanese speaking friend would come in handy since you’d probably find it difficult to explain in English and expect them to understand. Hiragana; Normal Japanese character used with kanji for native Japanese words and grammar Traditional onsens do not allow swimsuits, so everyone must shower thoroughly before entering the baths. Don’t stay long, however, because the water will need to be hot enough for the next family member. This belief is so deep seated that girls usually go to … Japan is the only country to have the Japanese language as their official language. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Buddhism was imported in the 6 th century, while Shinto has been around as long as Japan has been. In casual daily situations, a bow is often a simple nod of the head. Just know that when you meet someone, you should bow out of respect. holiday If you are guesting at the house of a Japanese family for the night, you will be required to take a bath. Although surprisingly, the first geisha were men. 4. Take note though, that some of these establishments have a prescribed way to eat Ramen. In order to avoid burning your tongue, you should slurp while you suck the noodle in order to cool it down. If you really want to make an impression, compliment the chef by exclaiming ‘Oishi!’ while looking at him in the eye. 10 weird and interesting facts about Japan and its culture Japan is unique in its own, and boasts of fascinating culture and social paradigms that one can’t find anywhere else in the world. What to do when you lose or find something. Japan’s unique culture is a fascinating blend of old and new. Most people enjoy rice with their meal every now and again, but Japan just can’t seem to get enough of the delicious, white, carb-loaded grains. So next time you order ramen or yakisoba in Japan, feel free to slurp to your heart’s content. The sad reality in most cities in Europe or in North America is that public bathrooms may be difficult to find, or, in some cases, you need to purchase something from an establishment before you can use their facilities. There will be another pair inside the bathroom, near the door. There are also nearly 4,000 smaller islands, too! So if you have an idea where you might have left something, you can just go to the nearest Police box and will more than likely to find it there. Don’t point at something with your chopsticks, as this is rude in Japanese culture. There is also no law against urinating in public, so if you really need to go, you can stop by the side of the road and make it your makeshift urinal, as long as you are discreet about it. Just find a comfortable spot somewhere quiet and get some sleep until the trains start running again at 6am. Every year, incorrectly prepared fugu causes food poisoning in Japan. 14. It’s a visually stunning country that is home to the most innovative, highly disciplined, hard-working, successful people around. Until late 1800s, white teeth were considered ugly and women used to color their teeth with black dyes. 13. There are lots of interesting dining traditions in Japan, but slurping noodles has to be one of the most fun. The degree of cultural differences also varies based on your country of origin, but it is still interesting to know these facets no matter where you are from. Japan is a country with an incredibly rich and varied culture and history. When you suffer from a cold or hayfever in Japan, it’s polite to wear a mask. 10 Fun Facts about Japan Culture for Kids 1. The traditional way to eat maki and nigiri sushi is with the fingers, while sashimi is eaten with chopsticks. Packed with fish, vegetables, meat, and tofu, this high-calorie dish is eaten daily by sumo wrestlers. ramen A geish, which translates as “performing artist” in English, is a traditional female entertainer. Meanwhile, the only time mixing wasabi and soy sauce together is acceptable is when eating sashimi. 10. Yes, everyone uses that same tub, and the same bath water all through the night, so as a guest, you will be offered the honour of bathing first, so it is very important that you accept this wholeheartedly, because even a polite refusal will be considered as a huge insult. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. So if you are at a Japanese house, and you see one of these things, do not be embarrassed or afraid to ask for instructions, because it will be more embarrassing if you accidentally splash water on yourself instead of flushing, then have to figure out how to clean yourself up. If you are not fond of alcoholic drinks, it will help if you drink slowly. There are so many stories from friends who dropped their wallets or left their mobile phones on ATM machines and found them right there even after several hours. Ten weird and wonderful facts about Japanese culture 1. Pour for everyone just to be safe, and to be extra polite, and in turn, drink everything that had been poured for you. With this said, the Japanese don’t expect foreigners to always get it right. Words can have various meanings, so Japanese people often observe non-verbal signals to work out what someone really means. This is when new recruits join the multinational firms in Japan, and go through their interview process and their first 6-month internship period. Japan has been famous for its work culture that global enterprises can learn and adapt for their business growth and solidification of their own culture. By Jill Bartholomew, Junior Writer. Interesting facts about the country, the language and its citize n s abound. koban Japan is Largely Made Up of 4 Main Islands While Japan is an archipelago with almost 6,852 islands, only 4 islands out of all of them make up the majority of Japan’s land area. If you borrow one, make sure that you bring a copy of the bike’s licence, because if you don’t, you will probably spend the night in jail and be in serious legal trouble. Photo by Charles Haynes via Flickr So as not to get frowns or any negative vibes to the tune of ‘baka gaijin’ (stupid foreigner) coming your way from the locals, remember to line up like the rest of the crowd and wait your turn patiently. For most Japanese people, non-verbal communication is an important part of social interactions. If you want to embrace Japanese culture, it’s worth perfecting the way you eat it. 10 Japanese Unique Culture Facts & Traditions Japan is a fascinating tourist destination where you’ll find a seamless blend of old traditions and new technology. Please see our previous blog post to learn more about the Japanese language and Japanese books. Japanese Food Facts #5 – Rice, Rice, Baby. One very important thing to remember when eating out in Japan is that it is considered rude to tip the waiter or any staff, so you don’t even think about it. 9. 1.Four different writing systems. There is a strict bathing procedure to follow, don’t just jump into the water and make it dirty for everyone else in the house. Meanwhile, smoking while walking is illegal in many areas. A ‘gaijin’ on a bicycle is a beacon for patrolling police. Ojigi or bowing is the act of lowering one’s head or the entire upper torso. When it comes to being punctual, you can count on the Japanese railway system. However, bowing can also be used to indicate gratitude, congratulations, or an apology. Japan is well known country for it technology, culture and food cuisines like sushi etc. Meanwhile, a longer and deeper bow is more respectful and can signify a formal apology or sincere thanks.

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