If you want to charge your electronics along the way, a small, lightweight solar panel to charge batteries or portable charging device may be a good addition, Most come in kits with all the plugs you need. Two concurrent projects will be carried out alongside the ice-core work: a physiology study, and a historical landscape analysis. We’ll grab three days of food at Prospec­tor’s Col along the way before descend­ing to camp on the great ice plateau. Trip leaders will be UIAGM certified guides. If you choose not to pur­chase insur­ance, you assume full respon­si­bil­i­ty for any expens­es incurred in the event of a med­ical emer­gency and/​or evac­u­a­tion, as well as for trip can­cel­la­tion, inter­rup­tion, lost lug­gage, etc. In 2001 and 2002, the oldest ice-core record ever collected from the North Pacific region was drilled by a team of federal scientists high on Mount Logan’s summit plateau, near the saddle between Prospector and Russell peaks (5,300 metres). Must have SPF rating of 20 or more. Double-check to make sure you’re taking the correct adapter/plugs, Comfortable clothing for travel before and after the expedition. The Mount Logan King Trench Expedition is a ski-mountaineering trip, and requires use of alpine ski touring gear. The seri­ous­ness of Logan in terms of weath­er, alti­tude, and over­all com­mit­ment lev­el can­not be over­stat­ed. Every­thing about the trip is big, includ­ing the scale of the region’s geog­ra­phy, which is enor­mous. To pro­tect against loss­es due to ill­ness, acci­dent, or oth­er unfore­seen cir­cum­stances, Moun­tain Mad­ness strong­ly rec­om­mends the pur­chase of trav­el insur­ance as soon as pos­si­ble after mak­ing a deposit. Founded in 1932, the UIAA is the international federation for climbing and mountaineering. Logan is believed to have the largest base circumference o… Phone with camera, and/or separate camera. Return to camp 5. Warm insulation for upper mountain, To organize gear in your duffle and pack. In 1974, Calvert had become one of the first female national park wardens in Canada. Move to Camp 5 on the sum­mit plateau. Located in the St. Elias Mountains in the Yukon, at 5,959 metres, Mount Logan is second only to Mount McKinley (6,194 metres) in Alaska, the highest elevation in North America. The Mount Logan massif is located in the Southwest corner of the Yukon Territory in Western Canada, just above the 60th parallel. The climb of Mount Logan, Canada’s high­est peak, is sim­i­lar to Denali in expe­di­tion char­ac­ter and length, yet more extreme due to its remote­ness and lev­el of com­mit­ment. All are experienced climbers. Bring extra batteries and memory! It's easy to underestimate the amount necessary for your trip! At 1,150 metres above sea level, it is the highest point in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region and one of the few Quebec peaks over 1,100 metres. Ice cores hold secrets of long ago climate. A Few Tips on Gear for the Mt. Average summer temperatures on the summit plateau hover around -27° C, and tremendous snowfall in the area produces an area of glaciation second only to the polar regions of Antarctica and Greenland. If you are in remote areas, please note that emer­gency res­cue & evac­u­a­tion can be very expen­sive. Our property borders Kluane National Park, and is just 9 km from Haines Junction. Pack up your pack completely. A dogsled team headed to a midway point to cache supplies for the 1925 Mount Logan Expedition. Red Tape. Logan Climb. The King Trench, our route of ascent is one of the most beautiful and spectacular places on the planet. This intensive, pre-trip program seeks to advance knowledge about the use of high-intensity interval training in hypoxia (simulated altitude) to enhance work performance in extreme environments. We’ll then have indi­vid­ual gear checks. For a quote, or to pur­chase trav­el insur­ance, please click this link Rip­cord Res­cue Trav­el Insur­ance™ or call +1 – 415-481‑0600. c/o Schweizer Alpen-Club SAC This pad is used in conjunction with the first pad, Must have adjustable leg loops and fit over all clothing, Black Diamond Couloir, Petzl Altitude, Petzl Hirundos, under 5’7” use 60cm, 5’7”-6’2” use 60 or 65cm, over 6’2” use 70cm, Steel 12-pont. To block out snoring and other noise to ensure a good night's sleep, Two one-liter wide-mouthed plastic bottles, hydration bladder or water bag with drinking tube (must also have 1 Nalgene Bottle or equivalent). Our guid­ed ascent to Mount Logan epit­o­mizes Moun­tain Mad­ness’ spir­it of adven­ture and will pro­vide a huge chal­lenge, but one with incred­i­ble reward. Drilled to bedrock, the long 190-metre “PR Col core” gave scientists a window into 20,000 years of climate history, making it one of the most valuable non-polar, high-resolution records in existence for atmospheric climate change in the region. complete, go back through all of your equipment with a fine-toothed comb. It took him years to get to the top of a mountain where he could do it, but he finally played the world’s highest bridge game on the top of Mount Logan at 19,850 feet. Sin­gle car­ry to Camp 1. All loads are car­ried by team mem­bers with the use of glac­i­er sleds. Stellar Hut. A warm, full zip jacket with hood is recommended and ideal, Helly Hansen Vanir, Feathered Friends Volant, Marmot Guide’s Down Hoody, Outdoor Research Virtuoso Hoody, This is what you will be wearing while hiking at higher altitudes or while kicking around camps at lower altitude. In May 2021, with the exact drill site located, we’ll return to the mountain to complete the actual drilling work. © 2021 Mountain Madness, Inc. Featured The river drains a rugged and arid region of the Colorado Plateau west of the San Juan Mountains. Cascade Express - 3 classics in one trip, Featured Glasses wearers should have a spare set, Bring your favorite snacks and power/energy bars or if there is something else you particularly like to eat while hiking and climbing, It can be a cold walk to the toilet at night. You aren’t like­ly to think of it now, but peo­ple do get ill, break a bone, have a fam­i­ly emer­gency or get assigned to a last-minute busi­ness trip. Mount Logan is a mountain located on the Gaspé Peninsula, in Quebec, Canada. The tra­verse of Logan’s sum­mit area presents a con­sid­er­able high-alti­tude effort of almost 4 miles of climb­ing between 17,600 feet / 5364 meters and the true sum­mit at 19,545 feet / 5957 meters. Car­ry to 15,300 feet / 4663 meters. King Col Car­ry to 12,500 below Camp 3, return to Camp 2. Great for colder conditions over a pair of long underwear or tights higher on the mountain or summit day, Outdoor Research Voodoo, Mountain Hardwear Touren, Patagonia Guide, waterproof and breathable with side zips (minimum of ¾ zips recommended) Gore-Tex or equivalent, Synthetic or down with full side zip. Check boot fit with thin and thick socks on, Synthetic or down to keep feet warm while in tent, Insulated boots rated for 8,000-meter peak climbs with a warm removable liner and built in, insulated overboot, La Sportiva Olympus Mons, Scarpa Phantom 8000, Salomon X-Ultra 3 Mid, Merrell Moab, La Sportiva Boulder Ex. Der Mount Logan 5.959 m im einsamen Wrangell-St. Elias-Gebirge ist der höchste Berg Kanadas und nach dem Denali der zweithöchste Gipfel Nordamerikas. Fortunately, one must apply for and receive a mountaineering license to even attempt to climb Mount Logan. It is a long, high alti­tude walk of 3 — 4 miles to the sum­mit from high camp. wired straight-gates are recommended, One full-sized ascender with handle for fixed lines (left handed for right handed climbers, or vice-versa), be sure to get nylon not dyneema (18mm width), A visor hat with a good brim is essential for protection from the sun. Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy, Glacier Mountaineering Course -crevasse rescue, summit of Mount Baker, and more, Glac­i­er trav­el, steep snow and ice climb­ing to 50-degrees, Sus­tained expe­di­tion trav­el uti­liz­ing sleds, Win­ter camp­ing and long work days at altitude, Climbers should be in excel­lent phys­i­cal con­di­tion and have a healthy and team-ori­ent­ed expe­di­tion mentality, All group equip­ment (tents, climb­ing gear, etc), Hotel accom­mo­da­tions in Whitehorse/​Kluane, Trav­el insur­ance with trip can­cel­la­tion, med­ical and evac­u­a­tion policy, $1,500 deposit upon con­fir­ma­tion of your eli­gi­bil­i­ty to join the expe­di­tion, which includes a $300 non-refund­able reg­is­tra­tion fee, Bal­ance due 120 days pri­or to departure, The bal­ance may be paid by check, wire trans­fer, ACH or cred­it card with a 3% con­ve­nience fee. MacCarthy, an American and member of the American Alpine Club, wrote a number of reports and summaries of the expedition, including this list Mount Logan 1977. Cir­cum­stances out­side the con­trol of MMI and its part­ners, may require amend­ed cancellation/​refund poli­cies. In close collaboration with the Mountain Legacy Project at the University of Victoria, the team will follow in the footprints of the mountain’s intrepid first ascensionists and attempt to retake photographs shot during expeditions in 1925, 1950, 1970, and 1992. Acquire all of your equipment well in advance. While a helicopter can sling-load drill equipment up onto the plateau with a pilot on oxygen, the team must climb there over a three-week period, from a base camp at 3,000 metres (following the standard “King Trench” mountaineering route), in order to properly acclimatize and be able to work safely at altitude. Its unusually steep northern flank is visible from Cap-Chat, on the estuary of Saint … Bring enough for the entire trip. The Expedition's aim is to conduct medical research during the course of an alpine ascent of Mount Logan which, at 5959 metres, is Canada's highest mountain. Albert H. MacCarthy Lantern Slide Collection. The International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation (UIAA) was founded in 1932 and has a global presence on six continents representing 89 member associations and federations in 66 countries. The techniques that are available for analyzing ice cores, and the range of information that can be extracted from them, are always advancing, and so the collecting and archiving of these icy records is of vital importance. +41 (0) 31 370 1828. Canadian Mount Logan Expedition North America, Canada, Yukon Territory . How much does it cost to climb Mount Logan? Moun­tain Mad­ness has part­nered with Red­point Res­o­lu­tions as our pre­ferred trav­el insur­ance provider. Personne n’avait ridé l’East ridge, cette arrête de 3800 m de dénivelé, alors forcément c’était tentant pour Hélias Millerioux et son compère Thomas Delfino. Mount Logan Expedition. We also strong­ly urge you to con­sid­er res­cue and evac­u­a­tion insur­ance if your own pol­i­cy does not pro­vide the cov­er­age need­ed. Return to Camp 4. Au cœur des grands espaces du Yukon : le Mont Logan, deuxième plus haut sommet d’Amérique du nord. Twelve distinct peaks rise above 5,000 metres (16,400 ft) from its twenty-kilometre-long summit plateau. Landcost: $7,000 Does not include bush pilot fee (~$1,250) or transport to Chitina (~$350). Mount Logan from the northeast. The fol­low­ing itin­er­ary rep­re­sents a very basic out­line of what could hap­pen on a giv­en day dur­ing the course of a Logan expe­di­tion. Make a cache at around 15,300 feet / 4663 meters for Camp 4 and return to King Col. A short day to rest and accli­ma­tize. Er zählt zu den „Second Seven Summits“ und den herausforderndsten Bergen des Kontinents. Mostly I have enjoyed this mountain by wasting endless hours at the Icefield Discovery camp, sitting in a deck chair, sipping gin and tonics, and gazing at the many facets of the north face. Mount Logan Ice Expedition 2021-2022 A multidisciplinary scientific initiative that seeks to preserve, share, and advance knowledge about climate and change on Canada’s highest peak. The climb of Mount Logan, Canada’s high­est peak, is sim­i­lar to Denali in expe­di­tion char­ac­ter and length, yet more extreme due to its remote­ness and lev­el of com­mit­ment. Pepto Bismol tablets; Maalox, Gelusil M or Mylanta antacid tablets. Few attempt Mount Logan, and even few­er suc­ceed in reach­ing its sum­mit. Publication Year: 1960. Russell of the U.S. Geological Survey, while undertaking a survey in the St. Elias Mountains, named Mount Logan for Sir William Edmond Logan (1798-1875). The high-altitude site boasted extremely low horizontal ice velocities, meaning that the ice contained little melt or deformation and so climate record was well preserved. Warm, heavy duty for cold temperatures, Six pairs of synthetic or wool socks to wear under heavy wool socks to help prevent blisters and keep feet dry, Six pairs of synthetic or wool socks, medium to heavyweight. The Mount Logan Ice Expedition also seeks to pay homage to the mountain’s early climbing history. The climbers included Cathy Langhill, Katherine Calvert, Judy Sterner, Loraine Drewes, Diana Knaak and Sharon Wood. Switzerland, office (at) theuiaa.org Mount Logan is located within Kluane National Park Reserve in southwestern Yukon, less than 40 kilometres (25 mi) north of the Yukon–Alaska border. Mount Logan Expeditions. Mount Logan (5,959m) is the tallest peak in Canada.That fact alone makes it a glorious mountain to climb. – 25 Days, Includes Glacier flights and shuttle from Whitehorse to Kluane Lake (RT). 31-38). Bring a 2-4 cup camping bowl or a plastic "Rubbermaid" style container for your mountain dining, Powdered additives like Gatorade or NUUN tablets make treated water taste better, A 12-16 oz (350-500 ml) mug with an attached lid will help keep you hydrated. This price includes his fee for the guiding service, all permits and entrance fees, the flight from Haines Junction to Mount Logan base camp, all meals during the trip and all climbing and camping equipment. Places To Stay Glacier Camp. Monbijoustrasse 61 Kein Nachteil, so meinen wir! This jacket should be full-zip, A good jacket made of Gore-Tex (recommended) or waterproof nylon, roomy enough to fit over multiple layers, Outdoor Research Foray, Patagonia Triolet, This is your most important piece of warm gear and will mean the difference between an enjoyable climb or a miserable one. Mount Logan comes second in height only to Denali, in Alaska, which is the highest mountain in North America at 20,310 feet. The 2020 Mount Logan Ice Expedition will be his fourth trip to the Saint Elias Mountains, and his third to Mount Logan. Trips with Spe­cial Con­sid­er­a­tion (Carsten­sz, Cho Oyu, Denali, Logan and Vinson): We strong­ly rec­om­mend the pur­chase of trav­el can­cel­la­tion insur­ance to pro­tect you from the unex­pect­ed. this will only be necessary as a back-up. Contact Information info@icefielddiscovery.com. Thus making this expedition a wonderful and adventurous journey up and down Canada’s most majestic peak. The University of Alberta’s Mount Logan Ice Expedition (www.loganice.ca) is grateful for the support from The Royal Canadian Geographical Society, The Alpine Club of Canada, Mountain Hardwear, Xact Nutrition and Air North. Two lightweight to mediumweight, pull-over is best, Light or medium-weight fleece (or wool) top with a hood. Rose or amber lenses, One pair medium-weight for daily wear when it’s not too cold, Black Diamond Arc, Arcteryx Zenta LT Glove, Insulated, water resistant shell with leather palms, One pair Gore-Tex or equivalent, with textured palms and taped seams. Located deep within Kluane National Park and Reserve in the southwestern corner of Canada’s Yukon Territory, Mount Logan stands unrivaled in physical mass, and perhaps in mountain grandeur. A tough day at altitude. Hardly the site, one might think, for careful and exacting scientific study. Probiotic capsules taken daily may help keep your gastro-intestinal system working smoothly, A small pack or two anti-bacterial are great for general hygiene, Contacts can be a problem in dusty conditions, so make sure you have your back-up glasses with you. This 3 week adventure is not your typical ascent because not only will we be climbing, but we will also be spending quite a bit of time skiing on the mountain as well. With this scale comes iso­la­tion, so team mem­bers may well feel they are tho only ones around for miles and miles, expe­ri­enc­ing wilder­ness in the purest sense. 2021 Major Grant Expedition. If prop­er writ­ten can­cel­la­tion notice is not received, amounts paid and reser­va­tions made will be forfeited. On June 12 an all Canadian party made the second ascent of Mount Logan’s east peak by the route first made in 1957 (AAJ 1958, pp. Steri Pen, Potable Aqua, Polar Pure crystal iodine. Our initiative involves two separate spring expeditions to the mountain to take advantage of the best weather window. Please dispose of human wastes as required by Parks Canada. Although com­pa­ra­ble with oth­er big moun­tain clas­sics, such as Aconcagua, Mount Ever­est, Vin­son, and Nun, Mount Logan is often over­looked, but cer­tain­ly among the great­est expe­di­tions on the planet. This is the crux of the climb, but does not involve tech­ni­cal climb­ing. Logan is difficult to reach by foot as it is surrounded by some of the largest glaciers in the world and that it is 140km from the nearest road. The starting point of this expedition … Over two spring expeditions, both up Mount Logan's King Trench route, this team's objectives also include re-measuring the official height of the main summit and its sub-summits. Protected by a sea of glaciers and some fantastically unpredictable weather. Donnatal for stomach cramps. Purifies drinking water while on the climb. Its many saw-tooth ridges, “like a cosmic comb,” rake moisture from the almost countless, year-round storms produced over the Pacific. Mais pas suffisant. Lightweight as possible with a volume of 5,000 – 6,500 cubic inches (85-105 liters), One at least 7,000 cubic inch capacity (150 liters). Two synthetic or merino wool t-shirts. Trip starts and ends in Anchorage. Will be stored at hotel, to be used after trip, A very large stuff sack 2,000 cubic inches (35 liters). from $8,985 Rest and accli­ma­tize at Camp 4 before the big move to high camp. The Dolores River is a tributary of the Colorado River, approximately 241 miles (388 km) long, in the U.S. states of Colorado and Utah. Due to the remoteness of this expedition, the higher altitude and latitudes encountered, careful preparation is required. We will attempt to accom­mo­date changes and can­cel­la­tions, waiv­ing cer­tain fees when feasible. Together, its elevation, its sheer size, its high northern latitude (60 ̊ north latitude), and its proximate coastal position make the mountain a coveted prize for the world’s mountaineering elite. STEWARDSHIP: Please consider the environmental impact of your trash and human waste. Mount Logan sits on Canada’s massive Yukon Territory in the St. Elias Mountain Range, just around 10 miles from the Alaskan border. From King Col we’ll route find up the Mac­Carthy Gap, a 1,500-foot high slope with angles of up to 45 degrees. Climbers should be comfortable on 45 to 60 degree snow/ice slopes, waterfall ice climbing up to WI2-WI3, and/or moderate rock from 5.6-5.8. A thin balaclava will add significant warmth on that cold summit day, 100% UV protection with side shields and a hard-sided storage case, To fit over glacier glasses in high wind. Make sure you transport in checked bag, not carry-on! Climb Year: 1959. In 1925 Albert H. MacCarthy had just led a successful first ascent of Mount Logan in Canada, composed of climbers from Canada, Britain and the United States. Although Logan is the high­est sum­mit in Cana­da it is still sec­ond in North Amer­i­ca. Redpoint’s Rip­cord Res­cue Trav­el Insur­ance™ is designed for adventurers. Car­ry to Prospector’s Col (Iona Col) at about 18,000 feet / 5486 meters and leave a cache. It is part of the Chic-Choc Mountains, a massif of the Notre Dame Mountains in the Appalachian Mountains. We have our own Mountain Madness neck gaiter available for purchase! Must be durable and waterproof, Large enough to hold everything you’re not taking on the mountain. Your trip will be can­celled from the date writ­ten notice is received. Many fac­tors can, and prob­a­bly will, con­tribute to cause the fol­low­ing sched­ule to change. At Camp 2 we’ll switch back to night sched­ule for the low­er-ele­va­tion trav­el to Base Camp. Mount Logan is the highest mountain in Canada, and the second-highest peak in North America after Denali. The Mount Logan mas­sif is part of the most exten­sive non-polar ice­field in the world. This must be done at least 90 days before starting the climb and believe it or not there are parties that show up and want to climb it and are refused because they have not even applied for a … Start by eliminating unnecessary luxuries. Mount Logan is locat­ed in the St. Elias Moun­tain Range of Canada’s Yukon Ter­ri­to­ry and is the sec­ond high­est peak in North Amer­i­ca. The biggest chunk of rock, ice and snow in the world. The University of Alberta is preparing to return to Mount Logan’s summit plateau in May of 2020 and 2021, with the intent to drill an updated core and bring the record to present, as well as to advance other projects by deploying new analytical methods. Please review our equipment list and contact us with any questions - Mount Logan Expedition equipment list. Must be fit to climbing boots prior to trip, new-matic/hybrid type, Four large, pear-shaped carabiners are best, Black Diamond Rock Lock, Petzl William, Petzl Attache, 6 non-locking carabiners. Swiss Expedition Mount Logan, 5959 müMApril 30 - May 15, 2014Lukas Richli, Patrick Baldinger, Stefan Leumann, Rich Prohaska. It is not dif­fi­cult ter­rain, but a very demand­ing day of 10 – 15 hours. Weigh it. Expedition leader Albert MacCarthy made this trip prior to the May departure date of the entire Mount Logan Expedition team. You will wear this over your light weight base layer, Mountain Equipment Eclipse Half-Zip Hoodie, This is your most important piece of warm gear and will mean the difference between an enjoyable climb or a miserable one. Participants will have a well-rounded history of climbing experience. The ’96 Mount Logan Expedition for Heart is a scientific expedition and a part of the University of Ottawa's 20th Anniversary celebrations. Kilimanjaro in the time of Covid. A six-hour, night-sched­ule haul on low­er angle glac­i­er to the entrance of the King Trench. Crit­i­cal ben­e­fits of Rip­cord Res­cue Trav­el Insur­ance include: Group mem­bers fly into White­horse in Yukon Ter­ri­to­ries and must be present for the team meet­ing at 9 am on Day 1 of the expe­di­tion. The Logan Massif. The Mount Logan Ice Expedition 2020-2021 is a multidisciplinary scientific initiative that seeks to preserve, celebrate, and advance knowledge about climate and change on Canada’s highest peak. Our first expedition in May 2020 will be a reconnaissance, utilizing ground-penetrating radar that will allow us to look at the internal structure of the ice on the plateau and find the best coring location. Pric­ing varies based on age, trip cost, trip length, and lev­el of coverage. cleaning glasses, sun protection when tied around the neck, etc. In 1890, I.C. First, beginning in September 2019, the Edmonton-based members of the team will work closely with UAlberta sport scientists studying altitude acclimatization performance utilizing a novel training regime. The massif boasts the largest base circumference of any non-volcanic mountain on Earth. Logan. MMI must strict­ly adhere to can­cel­la­tion poli­cies out­side MMI’s control. Not only is Mount Logan’s bulk ​“more than any oth­er moun­tain in the West­ern Hemi­sphere,” but its neigh­bors – Mount Saint Elias, Mount Bona, Mount King and McArthur – boast equal­ly mas­sive relief and equal­ly sto­ried moun­taineer­ing his­to­ries. Climb back over Prospec­tors Col and descend to Camp 4. UIAA – International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation, © 2020 International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation (UIAA) Author: Hans Gmoser. Long, cylindrical cores drilled down through glaciers in the high mountain and polar regions of the world preserve information – gas bubbles, pollen, dust particles, major ions and isotopes – that scientists use to reconstruct past climate and air composition. Unprece­dent­ed in audac­i­ty, scale, and logis­ti­cal chal­lenge, and cul­mi­nat­ing in a des­per­ate float down the Chiti­na Riv­er when all team mem­bers could no longer walk due to frost­bite, many con­sid­er the orig­i­nal expe­di­tion to be ​“among the most ardu­ous moun­tain adven­tures ever under­tak­en.” It is all the more impres­sive as it was the first ever attempt, by any route, on the moun­tain – a true adven­ture of epic pro­por­tions into the unknown. He was a wry, somewhat reserved man with a magnificent sense of humor and delighted in artfully contriving jokes for his expeditions. Pos­si­ble sum­mit days. Descend to Camp 2 or con­tin­ue as far as pos­si­ble. The mountain was named after Sir William Edmond Logan, a Canadian geologist and founder of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC). Such cir­cum­stances may include, but are not lim­it­ed to COVID-19, nat­ur­al dis­as­ters, ter­ror­ism and so forth. Rich has probably been to Mount Logan more than any other and both he and Canada West (either independently or together) have been conducting successful expeditions to Mount Logan for years. The project is organized in association with The University of Alberta, The American Alpine Club and The Alpine Club of Canada, the latter two both longstanding members of the UIAA. The UIAA has been recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) since 1995. Synthetic or down filled. Scale unimaginable, Location Remote. The ultimate goal will be to create a new, publicly-accessible dataset of paired images (old beside new) that can help document high-altitude landscape change over the past 100 years. Bring plenty of sun block with SPF of 40 or more. With the help of an air taxi approach from Klu­ane Lake to the Alaskan-Yukon bor­der, today’s teams can cut the expe­di­tion length to a man­age­able three weeks. If you decide to can­cel your trip or change your itin­er­ary, MMI must be noti­fied in writ­ing. NOTE ON SNOWSHOES: A new chapter in that advancement, and in adventure, began in the 1980s with the emergence of ice core science.

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